
 The mouse buttons and combinations thereof may now be mapped.  The
 default mappings for the mouse buttons are as follows:
 Left-button:    Move cursor to current mouse position
 Right-button:   Iconify window
 Left-button held down while moving mouse tracks the cursor
 The iconification features:
 -Remembers original window size and placement
 -Remembers placement of iconified window when you re-iconify later.
 Currently, you will crash the machine if you run out of memory and DME
 is unable to open the icon window or original window, so be careful.
 see below for mapping the mouse buttons and mouse movement.


 The rest of the Functional interface for DME is based on key/mouse/menu
 mappings and a rich command set.  Unlike other text editors, any
 non-qualifier key in DME may be defined to have any meaning whatsoever. It
 just so happens that the default keymappings assign such things as the
 (return) key to the RETURN function, the (up) key to the UP function,
 etc...  Keys are named by their keycap labels with the following

    the name for Back-Space is  BS
    the name for numeric keypad keys are prepended with an NK, except for
    the Enter key which is named 'ENTER'.
    The four cursor control keys are labeled UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT
    The three mouse buttons are labeled RMB, MMB, and LMB.

 You must type commands in lower-case, except for text, which can be
 either lower or upper case, and for upper-case alpha keys when
 specifying keymaps (i.e.  A and s-a are the same key).  The
 exception is the AMIGA qualifier key, which uses 'A' instead of

 Each key may be qualified with any combination of CTRL, ALT, SHIFT,
 AMIGA, or any of the MOUSE buttons.  With 6 qualifiers (7 if your
 mouse has a middle button), you can assign up to 64 (128) different
 maps to each physical key on the keyboard.

 The CAPS-LOCK, when lit, is equivalent to SHIFT only for Alpha keys.

 The AMIGA-ALT (aA) combination isn't very usable since Intuition
 uses the sequence to duplicate a Mouse SELECT.  Other AMIGA
 sequences are used by intuition for mouse movement and other things.
 Some other qualifier combinations may not be usable due to other
 special sequences.

 Some keys must be mapped by their lower-case keycap.  That is, to
 map the '>' key (USA keyboard), you specify shift dot (s-.)
 tab tab
 a-a ALT a
 A-a AMIGA a
 sA-a    SHIFT AMIGA a
 s-tab   SHIFT tab
 c-tab   CTRL tab
 ac-?    ALT-CTRL ?
 s-f5    SHIFT F5
 nk0 Numeric Keypad 0
 cs-nk0  CTRL SHIFT Numeric Keypad 0
 L-lmb   Left Mouse button pressed
 L-mmove Mouse moved while left mouse button held down
 LR-lmb  left mouse button hit while right mouse button held down
 s-.     shift . ('>' for USA keyboards)

 Mouse buttons serve both as QUALIFIERS and as KEYS.  Thus, you can map
 both normal keystrokes which require a mouse button to be held down:
 map L-a ((left button and an a))
 as well as the mouse keys themselves:
 map L-lmb   ((left mouse key))
 note that you had to specify the left mouse button down qualifier L as
 well as the left mouse button LMB.
 If you map the left mouse button, and also map a sequence such as left
 mouse button + a:
 map L-lmb   tomouse
 map L-a     ((hello))
 Note that the first mapping will always get executed even if you
 intended L-a (that is, BOTH mappings would get executed).  In order
 to avoid confusion you might want to UNMAP the system default mapping
 for the right mouse button (mapped to ICONIFY) if you wish to apply
 combinations to the right mouse button.
 MOUSE MOVEMENT is mapped with one or more mouse qualifiers (L, R, M),
 plus 'MMOVE' for the key.  That is:
 map LR-mmove ((moving the mouse with both buttons held down))
 Or how bout capping the characters under the mouse while moving the
 map LR-mmove (tomouse if cl (tlate -32))
 All Printable Ascii keys mapped to their ascii equivalent. BS, DEL, UP,
 DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, TAB, S-TAB, and ENTER are mapped properly.  These are
 the default system keymappings.
 map (a-c)       (bcopy)
 map (a-d)       (bdelete)
 map (a-down)    (scrolldown)
 map (a-l)       (while cu (tlate +32 right))
 map (a-m)       (bmove)
 map (a-r)       (nextr)
 map (a-s)       (bsource)
 map (a-u)       (while cl (tlate -32 right))
 map (a-up)      (scrollup)
 map (bs)        (bs)
 map (c-/)       (escimm (find ))
 map (c-])       (ref)
 map (c-[)       (ctags)
 map (c-1)       (goto block)
 map (c-b)       (block)
 map (c-c)       ()
 map (c-del)     (remeol)
 map (c-down)    (pagedown)
 map (c-esc)     (recall)
 map (c-f)       (reformat)
 map (c-g)       (escimm (goto ))
 map (c-i)       (insertmode on)
 map (c-j)       (join)
 map (c-l)       (wleft)
 map (c-n)       (next)
 map (c-o)       (insertmode off)
 map (c-p)       (prev)
 map (c-q)       (quit)
 map (c-r)       (wright)
 map (c-s)       (split first down)
 map (c-u)       (unblock)
 map (c-up)      (pageup)
 map (c-w)       (wordwrap toggle)
 map (del)       (del)
 map (down)      (down)
 map (enter)     (return)
 map (esc)       (esc)
 map (f1)        (escimm (insfile ))
 map (f10)       (saveold quit)
 map (f2)        (escimm (newfile ))
 map (f3)        (escimm (newwindow newfile ))
 map (f6)        (saveold iconify)
 map (f7)        (escimm (bsave ))
 map (f8)        (saveold escimm (newfile ))
 map (f9)        (saveold)
 map (L-lmb)     (tomouse)
 map (L-mmo)     (tomouse)
 map (left)      (left)
 map (R-rmb)     (iconify)
 map (return)    (return insline up firstnb down)
 map (right)     (right)
 map (s- )       (( ))
 map (s-del)     (deline)
 map (s-down)    (bottom)
 map (s-left)    (first)
 map (s-right)   (last)
 map (s-tab)     (backtab)
 map (s-up)      (top)
 map (sa-s)      (unblock block block bsource)
 map (tab)       (tab)
 map (up)        (up)